Create Confident Eaters™

Your child tasting new foods
Adding new foods to the diet
Relaxed family meals
A positive approach to food
Lets make this YOUR reality
“I can’t believe he ate pineapple at school” – Jo, mum of Master 8
Welcome video
As seen on these (and more):

What we do
The Confident Eater™ provides resources, tools, information and support for parents and caregivers dealing with children who find food stressful.
Founder Judith Yeabsley (MA Cantab, Post Grad Dip Psychology, AOTA accredited picky eating advisor and internationally certified nutritional therapist) has worked with hundreds of families and created super practical, easily accessible and affordable resources to help reduce the ongoing stress and worry of trying to feed children who have limited food preferences.
Whether you’re looking for help with tough-to-please toddlers, fresh ideas for choosy children, motivation for disinterested teens, or clever ways to boost nutrition for children with additional complications, or you’re just really worried and want immediate support – you’re in the right place.
The Confident Eater™ can give you the tools, strategies and confidence to get your finicky, fussy, fearful eater – eating!
Judith offers free short mini-consultations so she can understand your specific situation, and point you to the best resources for where you’re at right now.
Book one here and start your journey to creating confident eaters.
Often taking that first step is a relief.
Simple, effective programs, customised to you and your family. Long-term positive results.
Hear what Hana had to say about the program
“Judith is fantastic! Her course is insightful, educational, and most of all inspiring towards resolving challenges. We have gained a lot of new ideas and ways to deal with our wee one. Super grateful to Judith for her wealth of knowledge and experience in dealing with picky eaters. I highly recommend Judith’s program, it is an amazing value for money“.

Would you prefer to start with a book?
Whether you’re curious about the causes of selective eating, or you want to learn practical strategies for coping with those everyday on repeat mealtime struggles. Or you’re on the hunt for realistic food suggestions and do-able meal plans – with The Confident Eater™ you’ll find a solution that fits.
In her book, Creating Confident Eaters™, Judith has packed loads of proven strategies, used and enjoyed by hundreds of families. It pairs well with her second book – Winner Winner, I Eat
Dinner™- which walks you gently through the 7 simple steps to eating success.
Find out more about the books here.
“Using this book, I was able to help my daughter add foods for the first time in 8 years”
Abigail* (*name changed per request)
“Reading Winner Winner I Eat Dinner is like having Judith in the house with me”. Vicki.
Encouraging exploration™
The on-demand, one of a kind workshops
The best and fastest way to support your child to taste new foods and practice learning to be okay with trying – is Encouraging Exploration™, a two-part, on demand video workshop.
Watch Part One – Trying new foods, the basics – and when you’ve mastered that, move on to part two for more advanced techniques and ideas. You get instant access to both parts of the workshop. To learn more about the workshop click link below:

“Judith’s down to earth, practical and insightful advice is already making such a difference for us and taken away so much of my anxiety about our super selective eater. Looking forward to putting her advice into practice and seeing more positive steps forward!”
Thanks Judith!Tailored support - giving you peace of mind

Whether you want help overcoming food aversions, or strategies
to expand the food horizon, you need non-judgemental, blame-free support from someone you can trust with your family’s well being.
Judith can tailor solutions to your specific situation, giving you exactly the support and advice you need, when you need it. You’re just a phone call or email away from getting one-to-one expert, hands-on help and knowing you’re doing all you can to help your precious ones learn to love nourishing their body with food.
Personalised plans - the Mellow mealtimes masterclass™
“Meal times had become a major tantrum time for my 6yo. Always tears and wanting to eat only take away type foods. After chatting to Judith, who really listened to our situation, she came back to me with a few things to try. This was not your usual advice of ‘put it on the plate enough times they might eat it’, or ‘ he’ll grow out of it’. How can they grow out of a bad habit if they are not shown how?
Judiths’ tips fit us and our lifestyle and have grown into some really fun dinners. Now my son feels involved in the meal planning and enjoys preparing/cooking. His favourite dinners are when he gets to pick what goes on his plate (of course the deal is he has to pick something from each bowl – but he can decide how much). Judith is AWESOME and meal times are no longer a drama in our house. We will continue to use her ideas to keep progressing and adding new foods and recipes. Thanks so much Judith.”
Kylie, Aus

A Trusted Advisor to Your Family

Judith has worked with hundreds of kiwi families facing challenges with children who are really picky eaters. She understands how precious your children are to you, AND how busy you are! She’s
realistic about all the competing demands on your time and energy – and she’s here to make life easier.
Judith is an internationally qualified Nutritional Therapist and AOTA accredited picky eating advisor. Her passion for her work and dedication to helping families make real and lasting change is evident in her body of work and her commitment to ongoing professional and personal development. She aims to bring you the most up-to-date, science backed information and she believes that every child deserves to approach food from a place of safety and joy.
Support sensory sensitivities
- Have you ever thought “this is more than just fussy eating?”
- Does your child seem to really struggle with certain textures?
- Have you seen absolute disgust when they see or smell or touch or taste a food?
- Do they gag at the thought of certain foods?
- Or gag when they see, touch, smell, touch or taste something?
- Have they told you certain things feel awful to touch or in the mouth?
- Do they refuse foods because there is a slight imperfection?
All of these are signs there are sensory sensitivities at play.

If you did scan down the list and say “yes, that’s my child” then check out Support sensory sensitivities.
1. Understand why sensory processing challenges are an underlying factor
2. How to identify the sensitivities
3. Simple, gentle exercises to improve functioning
Here's a helpful list of our most popular resources…
For free resources and helpful tips follow us on Facebook
Listen to my latest interview on RNZ:
Join my free facebook group and get additional support: (please fill in the questions posed on entry)
Join my Confident Eater Newsletter list for tips in your inbox:
Buy the books for self-paced learning: The Confident Eater, and Winner Winner I Eat Dinner:
Read my latest Confident Eater Blog post:
Still lost? Book a FREE mini-consult with Judith she’ll point you in the right direction:
There’s Been a Seismic Shift!
There has been a seismic shift in our family dynamic post our consultation with you! It has been an incredibly positive
experience for us.
We are pretty religiously eating breakfast and dinner
together which has been a really positive for everyone. The power shift has been hard for Oli*, 8 but we’ve definitely made some positive steps – he’s eating tinned peaches (his idea) on his cereal (after your amazing Jelly trick that you taught us) and has tried some banana.
He’s tolerating yoghurt again in his lunchbox which is coming back pretty clean. He loved the chocolate muffins.
We understand this is a marathon and not a sprint so have realistic expectations. Our youngest daughter Charlotte* has astounded us – she’s eating pretty much everything we present to her (so much so, she asked where the lettuce and carrots were at breakfast!)
We can’t thank you enough for the help you have given us so far.
Kate, NZ
My Confident Eater
My son’s eating was on a downward spiral with more food becoming excluded as time went on. It was also more and more difficult to try something new.
This was causing me so much anxiety. He has now gone from resisting new foods, to confidently trying, exploring and appreciating what is being eaten.
Thank you Judith.
Karen, NZ

We are now drama free!
Thanks so much Judith.”
Video - Red flags
The Confident Eater program is so effective we guarantee you will see progress!