The Confident Eater

Adding foods

The gap between intention & eating, Judith Yeabsley|Fussy Eating NZ, #TheGapBetweenIntentionAndEating, # TheGapBetweenIntentionAndEatingForFussyEaters, # TheGapBetweenIntentionAndEatingForPickyEaters, #TryNewFoods, #TheConfidentEater, #FussyEatingNZ, #HelpForFussyEating, #HelpForFussyEaters, #FussyEater, #FussyEating, #PickyEater, #PickyEating, #SupportForFussyEaters, #SupportForPickyEaters, #CreatingConfidentEaters, #TryNewFood #PickyEatingNZ #HelpForPickyEaters, #HelpForPickyEating

The gap between intention & eating for fussy eaters

The gap between intention and eating Most Monday mornings I go for a longish run. It’s not my favourite thing to do, and my knees hate it, but it’s the best time for me to think. No distractions and far, far better to be mulling something over than focused on my lungs burning and my …

The gap between intention & eating for fussy eaters Read More »

My fussy eater never eats the veggies I serve – Judith Yeabsley|Fussy Eating NZ, Boy in library, #FussyChildNotEatingVeg, #IKeepServingVeggiesButMyFussyChildDoesntEat, #IKeepServingVeggiesButMyPickyChildDoesntEat, #TryNewFoods, #TheConfidentEater, #FussyEatingNZ, #HelpForFussyEating, #HelpForFussyEaters, #FussyEater, #FussyEating, #PickyEater, #PickyEating, #SupportForFussyEaters, #SupportForPickyEaters, #CreatingConfidentEaters, #TryNewFood #PickyEatingNZ #HelpForPickyEaters, #HelpForPickyEating, #RecipesPickyEatersWillEat, #RecipesFussyEatersWillEat, #WinnerWinnerIEatDinner, #Recipesforpickyeaters, #Foodforpickyeaters, #Wellington, #NZ, #JudithYeabsley, #BookForPickyEaters, #BookForFussyEaters, #ThePickyPack, #FunFoodsForPickyEaters, #FunFoodsForFussyEaters

My fussy eater never eats the veggies I keep serving

My fussy eater never eats the veggies I keep serving “I’ve been putting the carrots on Ben’s plate for weeks and he totally ignores them”. “The dietician told me to just serve the veggies and my daughter would learn to eat them”. “I feel like I’m wasting so much food. I keep serving Cooper a …

My fussy eater never eats the veggies I keep serving Read More »

The Confident Eater Bingo for fussy eaters – Judith Yeabsley|Fussy Eating NZ, Bingo, #bingoforfussyeaters, #bingoforpickyeaters, #trynewfoods, #theconfidenteater, #fussyeatingNZ, #pickyeatingNZ #helpforpickyeaters, #helpforpickyeating, #recipespickyeaterswilleat, #recipesfussyeaterswilleat #winnerwinnerIeatdinner, #Recipesforpickyeaters, #Foodforpickyeaters, #wellington, #NZ, #judithyeabsley, #helpforfussyeating, #helpforfussyeaters, #fussyeater, #fussyeating, #pickyeater, #pickyeating, #supportforpickyeaters, #creatingconfidenteaters, #newfoods, #bookforpickyeaters, #thepickypack, #funfoodsforpickyeaters, #funfoodsdforfussyeaters

The Confident Eater Bingo for Fussy eaters and picky eaters

The Confident Eater bingo for fussy eaters I’d love to say the bingo was my idea, but it absolutely wasn’t!! It is, however, a fun concept and when I saw it for a marketing initiative (thanks Kat, from The Helpful Academy) I thought, what a great idea for introducing some fun into food. My ethos …

The Confident Eater Bingo for Fussy eaters and picky eaters Read More »

10 magic words/phrases to use with a fussy eater, Judith Yeabsley|Fussy Eating NZ, #10magicwordstousewithafussyeater, #10magicwordsforfussyeaters, #10magicwordsforpickyeaters, #dinnerideasforveryfussyeaters, #dinnersforfussyeaters, #dinnersforforpickyeaters, #theconfidenteater, #fussyeatingNZ, #pickyeatingNZ #helpforpickyeaters, #helpforpickyeating, #recipespickyeaterswilleat, #recipesfussyeaterswilleat #winnerwinnerIeatdinner, #Recipesforpickyeaters, #Foodforpickyeaters, #wellington, #NZ, #judithyeabsley, #helpforfussyeating, #helpforfussyeaters, #fussyeater, #fussyeating, #pickyeater, #pickyeating, #supportforpickyeaters, #creatingconfidenteaters, #newfoods, #bookforpickyeaters, #thepickypack, #funfoodsforpickyeaters, #funfoodsdforfussyeaters

10 magic words/phrases to use with a fussy eater

10 magic words/phrases to use with a fussy eater The words we say to our child can be enormously powerful. We watch their face light up when we say something complimentary or them hang their head when we are disappointed. If we have a fussy eater picking the right words around food can be very …

10 magic words/phrases to use with a fussy eater Read More »

My fussy eater is not putting on weight, what can I do?, Judith Yeabsley|Fussy Eating NZ, #putonweightforfussyeaters, #putonweightforpickyeaters, #helpaddingfoodsfussyeating, #helpfortoddlerfussyeaters, #helpfortoddlerpickyeaters, #helpaddingfoodforpickyeaters, #theconfidenteater, #fussyeatingNZ, #pickyeatingNZ #helpforpickyeaters, #helpforpickyeating, #recipespickyeaterswilleat, #recipesfussyeaterswilleat #winnerwinnerIeatdinner, #Recipesforpickyeaters, #Foodforpickyeaters, #wellington, #NZ, #judithyeabsley, #helpforfussyeating, #helpforfussyeaters, #fussyeater, #fussyeating, #pickyeater, #pickyeating, #supportforpickyeaters, #creatingconfidenteaters, #newfoods, #bookforpickyeaters, #thepickypack, #funfoodsforpickyeaters, #funfoodsdforfussyeaters

My fussy eater is not putting on weight, what can I do?

My fussy eater is not putting on weight, what can I do? Many parents I speak to are really concerned that their child is not eating enough. Parents are also often worried that their child is too skinny or doesn’t seem to be putting on weight. The underlying concern is usually that a child will …

My fussy eater is not putting on weight, what can I do? Read More »

20 tips for adding foods, from parents of fussy eaters. Judith Yeabsley|Fussy Eating NZ, #helpaddingfoodsfussyeating, #helpfortoddlerfussyeaters, #helpfortoddlerpickyeaters, #helpaddingfoodforpickyeaters, #theconfidenteater, #fussyeatingNZ, #pickyeatingNZ #helpforpickyeaters, #helpforpickyeating, #recipespickyeaterswilleat, #recipesfussyeaterswilleat #winnerwinnerIeatdinner, #Recipesforpickyeaters, #Foodforpickyeaters, #wellington, #NZ, #judithyeabsley, #helpforfussyeating, #helpforfussyeaters, #fussyeater, #fussyeating, #pickyeater, #pickyeating, #supportforpickyeaters, #creatingconfidenteaters, #newfoods, #bookforpickyeaters, #thepickypack, #funfoodsforpickyeaters, #funfoodsdforfussyeaters

20 tips for adding foods, from parents of fussy eaters

20 tips for adding new foods from parents of fussy eaters We can learn a lot from other parents and their experiences. I find myself still learning new things when talking to families. Sometimes it is small tweaks or fun and different ways to approach or offer a food. As a parent you can also …

20 tips for adding foods, from parents of fussy eaters Read More »

Fruit and vegetables for fussy eaters. Fussy eaters NZ, Judith Yeabsley|Fussy Eating NZ, #fruitfor fussyeaters, #vegetablesforfussyeaters, #fruitforpickyeaters, #vegetablesforpickyeaters, , #helpaddingfoodsfussyeating, #helpfortoddlerfussyeaters, #helpfortoddlerpickyeaters, #helpaddingfoodforpickyeaters, #theconfidenteater, #fussyeatingNZ, #pickyeatingNZ #helpforpickyeaters, #helpforpickyeating, #recipespickyeaterswilleat, #recipesfussyeaterswilleat #winnerwinnerIeatdinner, #Recipesforpickyeaters, #Foodforpickyeaters, #wellington, #NZ, #judithyeabsley, #helpforfussyeating, #helpforfussyeaters, #fussyeater, #fussyeating, #pickyeater, #pickyeating, #supportforpickyeaters, #creatingconfidenteaters, #newfoods, #bookforpickyeaters, #thepickypack, #funfoodsforpickyeaters, #funfoodsdforfussyeaters

Fruit and vegetables for fussy eaters – a new take

Fruit and vegetables for fussy eaters – a new take Working with 100+ parents of fussy eaters every year means a lot of conversations about fruit and veg. Generally, fresh produce, and especially the vegetables are the most challenging foods for picky eaters to tackle. From an evolutionary point of view, this makes sense. Babies …

Fruit and vegetables for fussy eaters – a new take Read More »

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