The Confident Eater


Beans. Fun ways to use beans for fussy or picky eaters. Help eating new foods.

Making beans rock, Judith Yeabsley|Fussy Eating NZ, #MakingBeansRock, #MakingBeansRock ForFussyEaters, # MakingBeansRockForPickyEaters, #JudithYeabsley|Fussy Eating NZ, #TheConfidentEater, #Wellington, #NZ, #HelpForPickyEaters, #HelpForPickyEating, #FoodForPickyEaters, #HelpForFussyEating, #HelpForFussyEaters, #FussyEater, #FussyEating, #PickyEater, #PickyEating, #SupportForPickyEaters, #CreatingConfidentEaters, #WinnerWinnerIEatDinner, #FixFussyEatingNZ, #FunFoodsForPickyEaters, #FunFoodsForFussyEaters

Make beans rock

Make beans rock Please do not tune out if you have a child who you think will never eat beans no matter what 😊 I did some experimenting with kidney beans to make them more appealing for children in general, not just fussy eaters. I think I’ve hit upon something that works from both a …

Make beans rock Read More »

Chocolate brownies for fussy eaters – fun recipe for fussy eaters NZ, Judith Yeabsley|Fussy Eating NZ, Chocolate brownies with beans for fussy eaters #chocolatebrownies, #chocolatebrowniesforfussyeaters, #chocolatebrowniesforpickyeaters, #trynewfoods, #funfoodsforpickyeaters, #funfoodsdforfussyeaters, #Recipesforpickyeaters, #helpforpickyeaters, #helpforpickyeating, #Foodforpickyeaters, #theconfidenteater, #wellington, #NZ, #judithyeabsley, #helpforfussyeating, #helpforfussyeaters, #fussyeater, #fussyeating, #pickyeater, #pickyeating, #supportforpickyeaters, #winnerwinnerIeatdinner, #creatingconfidenteaters, #newfoods, #bookforpickyeaters, #thecompleteconfidenceprogram, #thepickypack, #fixfussyeatingNZ

Chocolate brownies, with veggies! – fun recipes for fussy eaters and picky eaters

Chocolate brownie – with veggies! Although not a fan of hiding, I do love recipes that incorporate nutrient-dense foods or those that may be a little more challenging to eat for fussy eaters. These brownies have either black beans or cannellini beans as a base. Beans are budget friendly, easy to find and one of …

Chocolate brownies, with veggies! – fun recipes for fussy eaters and picky eaters Read More »

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