The word most commonly used to describe a picky eater is stubborn so I’m guessing that your child not eating is also very strong willed around food, and nothing will get them to budge.
And yet, despite all of this, there is a solution!
Child not eating anything different?
It’s not uncommon for me to work with a family where the child eats the same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner and only a few extra foods on top of that. If this is you, we can help. If your child has a far wider range, then you’re starting ahead of the game!
However, desperate your situation feels. Even if you truly believe you have tried everything and nothing works for your child, there is a solution. I have seen that time and time again.
The solution
The beginning of the year is the perfect time to get things rolling. To start the process of change and to support a child to be more comfortable around food. To teach them how to try foods and over time add things to the menu.
I know that you are thinking this is going to be impossible. It’s going to be so much work. Your child is going to hate it and you’re not sure you can cope with ongoing battles and dramas.
BUT, and it’s a huge but:
- This is a LOT easier than you are imagining
- Children LOVE a lot of the changes we make (honestly!!)
- We are going to put the FUN back into food for everyone
- Much of what we implement will fit into normal routines
- Your child will not be forced to do anything
- Your child will not go hungry
- Your child will stop dropping foods
- You will feel excited, hopeful and relieved
If you’re sceptical that’s OK. I understand. But please don’t not do this because you don’t believe it’s possible. Please don’t stay stuck and stressed without at least finding out more.
How I can help you
I am happy to talk you through why we can work with your family. Why it will work for your child. Why you are not the most difficult case and how we use proven strategies that have worked for children with really extreme eating issues.
I have times available this week to talk to any parent who would just like to find out more. I’m happy to spend some time just talking through what’s currently happening and looking to see where solutions can be found. Often, it’s not as bad as you think too!
Book in for a time using the link. Or, contact me directly: I guarantee I have spoken to another parent who has similar issues. It can be very cathartic just to talk and there is zero judgement.
In fact, the opposite, there is usually a reason your child is experiencing food challenges that has very little to do with you.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Judith is an AOTA accredited picky eating advisor and internationally certified nutritional therapist. She works with 100+ families every year resolving fussy eating and returning pleasure and joy to the meal table.