The Confident Eater

Cucumber dip – helping picky eaters and fussy eaters with fun ways to try new foods #cucumberdip #funcucumberideas #cucumberrecipes #trynewfoods #funfoodsforpickyeaters, #funfoodsdforfussyeaters, #Recipesforpickyeaters, #helpforpickyeaters, #helpforpickyeating, #Foodforpickyeaters, #theconfidenteater, #wellington, #NZ, #judithyeabsley, #helpforfussyeating, #helpforfussyeaters, #fussyeater, #fussyeating, #pickyeater, #pickyeating, #supportforpickyeaters, #winnerwinnerIeatdinner, #creatingconfidenteaters, #newfoods, #bookforpickyeaters, #thecompleteconfidenceprogram, #thepickypack

Cucumber dip – fun recipes for picky eaters and fussy eaters

Cucumber dip – helping picky eaters and fussy eaters with fun ways to try new foods #cucumberdip #funcucumberideas #cucumberrecipes #trynewfoods #funfoodsforpickyeaters, #funfoodsdforfussyeaters, #Recipesforpickyeaters, #helpforpickyeaters, #helpforpickyeating, #Foodforpickyeaters, #theconfidenteater, #wellington, #NZ, #judithyeabsley, #helpforfussyeating, #helpforfussyeaters, #fussyeater, #fussyeating, #pickyeater, #pickyeating, #supportforpickyeaters, #winnerwinnerIeatdinner, #creatingconfidenteaters, #newfoods, #bookforpickyeaters, #thecompleteconfidenceprogram, #thepickypack

Cucumber dip

We can add cucumber to a variety of foods to create a dip. Yoghurt, cream cheese or hummus, for example.

If our child prefers crunchy then using the skin of the cucumber only may be helpful.

Conversely, if green is a big stumbling block, we can peel and then chop or grate the cucumber.

Using a favoured food paired with a new food can be an easier way to introduce something. I would advise as always to make very small quantities and also to add nano amounts of cucumber to begin with if it’s not a favourite food.

Judith is an AOTA accredited picky eating advisor and internationally certified nutritional therapist. She works with 100+ families every year resolving fussy eating and returning pleasure and joy to the meal table.
She is also mum to two boys and the author of Creating Confident Eaters and Winner Winner I Eat Dinner. Her dream is that every child is able to approach food from a place of safety and joy, not fear.
Learn more about Judith here:

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