Stuffed crepes
This is something I made for my son and his friend for dinner so there are ingredients in here that I wouldn’t be advocating as a first step for a selective eater! But it does show you the concept, and also how you can adapt a simple recipe to work for all members of the family.
These are a slam dunk favourite with my boys.
The one you can see has sauteed spring onion, capsicum, mushroom and prawns. It is then (photo 2) covered in cheese sauce.
If you have a selective eater in the house you could do a simplified version for them and a more ‘gourmet’ version for others.
Having a simple cheese, chicken, diced sausage or ham filling would work.
The cheese sauce is optional or could be replaced by ketchup, yoghurt or sour cream, for example.
Finding recipes that are a hit for all members of the family is always a win.
Judith is an AOTA accredited picky eating advisor and internationally certified nutritional therapist. She works with 100+ families every year resolving fussy eating and returning pleasure and joy to the meal table.