Peanut butter & choc smoothie
I love the combination of peanut butter and chocolate. This smoothie is also great if you have a picky eater that needs a few extra calories.
Perfect as part of breakfast or as a filling snack.
If our child is not a big peanut butter fan, it’s easy to reduce the quantity.
1/2 cup yoghurt (I used plain, Greek style)
1 1/2 dst sp cream – optional (I add creaminess as a substitute for sweetness, as that’s what I prefer).
1 1/2 hpd dst sp peanut butter – can reduce quantity to taste
1 1/2 hpd dst sp cocoa – again to taste
1 tsp molasses – optional (I add for slight sweetness, richness and nutrients)
Put all in the blender or food processor and whiz until mixed well
[If you have a sweeter palate add honey/maple syrup to taste]
Judith is an AOTA accredited picky eating advisor and internationally certified nutritional therapist. She works with 100+ families every year resolving fussy eating and returning pleasure and joy to the meal table.
She is also mum to two boys and the author of Creating Confident Eaters and Winner Winner I Eat Dinner. Her dream is that every child is able to approach food from a place of safety and joy, not fear.
Learn more about Judith here: https://theconfidenteater.com/about/