The Confident Eater

Protein-packed pancakes

Protein-packed pancakes, Judith Yeabsley|Fussy Eating NZ, #ProteinPackedPancakes, #ProteinPackedPancakesForFussyEaters, #ProteinPackedPancakesForPickyEaters, #JudithYeabsley|Fussy Eating NZ,

Protein-packed pancakes

I love the idea of stuffing more nutrients into food.

Particularly foods that many fussy eaters are comfortable with.

These pancakes are delicious. Super creamy tasting (with no cream in sight) and with a great texture. My son and I both tasted, looked at each other and grabbed the plate!

Using different ingredients is a great way to introduce new foods to fussy eaters, plus get a better spread of nutrients across the day/week.

Plus protein-packed pancakes make for a filling breakfast or lunch option.

No powders involved.


2 eggs
½ cup oat flour (I put wholegrain oats in the spice grinder to make it)
½ cup cottage cheese
¾ tsp baking powder
1 tsp honey (melted) – I don’t normally add sweetener to pancakes but without this the taste is a bit ‘chalky’. With it’s creamy and ‘smooth’.


Blend the cottage cheese with the eggs so it’s smooth.
Butter a non-stick frying pan and have on a medium heat.
Mix the dry ingredients and then add the honey and egg/cottage cheese mixture and combine.
Scoop ¼ cup sized dollops into the frying pan and spread with the back of a spoon.
Fry until browning, flip and brown the second side.
Serve hot or cold and with topping or plain. Pair with sweet or savoury.
They keep well in the fridge and would be great in the lunchbox.

Judith, MA Cantab (Cambridge University), Post Grad Dip Psychology (Massey University), is an AOTA accredited picky eating advisor and internationally certified nutritional therapist. She works with 100+ families every year resolving fussy eating and returning pleasure and joy to the meal table.

She is also mum to two boys and the author of Creating Confident Eaters and Winner Winner I Eat Dinner. Her dream is that every child is able to approach food from a place of safety and joy, not fear.

Learn more about Judith here:

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