Pizza pops
These are a super fun snack or dinner option for a fussy eater!
You’ll have to forgive me as we’re in lock down and I ran out of popsicle sticks so had to use halves. Plus, no mozzarella so used Edam cheese.
I made a quick pizza dough using whole meal flour – which is why they look very brown. I also used a bit too much dough, so they went very puffy.
But, despite all the hurdles, they tasted great and were a fab addition to the meal.
They are also very flexible as you can have as plain or as complicated as you wish.
In the photo:
– One plain
– One with only cheese
– One with tomato sauce, cheese + toppings
You could serve with a tomato or cheese sauce to dip into as well.
Judith is an AOTA accredited picky eating advisor and internationally certified nutritional therapist. She works with 100+ families every year resolving fussy eating and returning pleasure and joy to the meal table.
She is also mum to two boys and the author of Creating Confident Eaters and Winner Winner I Eat Dinner. Her dream is that every child is able to approach food from a place of safety and joy, not fear.
Learn more about Judith here: https://theconfidenteater.com/about/