The Confident Eater

#spinachsmoothie, #spinach, #funspinach, #spinachrecipe, #funfoodsforpickyeaters, #funfoodsdforfussyeaters, #Recipesforpickyeaters, #helpforpickyeaters, #helpforpickyeating, #Foodforpickyeaters, #theconfidenteater, #wellington, #NZ, #judithyeabsley, #helpforfussyeating, #helpforfussyeaters, #fussyeater, #fussyeating, #pickyeater, #pickyeating, #supportforpickyeaters, #winnerwinnerIeatdinner, #creatingconfidenteaters, #newfoods, #bookforpickyeaters, #thecompleteconfidenceprogram, #thepickypack

Spinach and chocolate smoothie – recipes for picky eaters

Spinach, recipes for picky eaters and fussy eaters #spinachsmoothie, #spinach, #funspinach, #spinachrecipe, #funfoodsforpickyeaters, #funfoodsdforfussyeaters, #Recipesforpickyeaters, #helpforpickyeaters, #helpforpickyeating, #Foodforpickyeaters, #theconfidenteater, #wellington, #NZ, #judithyeabsley, #helpforfussyeating, #helpforfussyeaters, #fussyeater, #fussyeating, #pickyeater, #pickyeating, #supportforpickyeaters, #winnerwinnerIeatdinner, #creatingconfidenteaters, #newfoods, #bookforpickyeaters, #thecompleteconfidenceprogram, #thepickypack

Choc-spinach smoothie

I want to start by saying that I am not a fan of hiding things in food at all. It’s an easy way to break trust and to inadvertently introduce fears too. Imagine finding a hair in your smoothie, that’s what hidden spinach could feel like to a hesitant eater!
But I am a fan of making things easy. If spinach and chocolate are a win, then why not?

I’ve made a super simple chocolate smoothie here and added spinach leaves – not baby spinach either, but the hard-core big leaves 😉 Even in my budget food processor there are no residual bits or textural element.

Because the chocolate is a dark colour, there is no hint of scary green either.
If we have a child that isn’t yet comfortable eating greens on their own but is okay with a food that has spinach integrated into, then that’s a great start.
The recipe below is not particularly sweet but you can of course add honey/maple syrup/dates etc. to taste.


– 1 very ripe banana
– ¼ cup yoghurt (I used Greek)
– 2 tbs chocolate powder (I use a non-sugar cocoa)
– ½ cup spinach leaves (I would start with less to begin with)
– ½ – 1 cup of milk dependent on how thick/thin you prefer it (I mixed milk and cream)
– 1 tsp vanilla
– Optional – peanut butter to taste
– Optional – 1 tsp molasses – I use for sweetness
– Optional – additional sweetener

Throw everything in the food processor and blitz.

Judith is an AOTA accredited picky eating advisor and internationally certified nutritional therapist. She works with 100+ families every year resolving fussy eating and returning pleasure and joy to the meal table.

Judith is also mum to two boys and is the author of Creating Confident Eaters and Winner Winner I Eat Dinner.

Learn more about Judith here:

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