I love hearing happy endings from parents of picky eaters, especially when they have a child that is really struggling around food.
This is one of my favourite stories as mum is a marketing expert and used her skills masterfully to support her daughter to accept an apple in her lunchbox for the first time.
Way to get a picky eater eating fruit!
Ruby* does eat some purees and dried fruit but has found fresh fruit really challenging. Her mum was talking about taking whole apples for “brain food break” at school (where only fruit or veg are allowed) and told Ruby they were Beauty apples. Ruby was suddenly keen to try them as they “sounded so lovely”.
Ruby has also only accepted veggies in puree form up until now. But the broccoli “adding a lovely shade of emerald to the plate” was the magic phrase that had Ruby both putting it on her plate and having a nibble.
Words alone do not of course, in general, produce a magical result. But this family have been putting into place great eating habits, language and dynamics for a while and this supports Ruby’s ability to take steps forward when the opportunity arises.
Ruby has her mother’s creative and visual gene so the colour and the name of the broccoli and the apple, respectively, really appealed to her.
Once we get all the basics into place often the small things do scaffold our child and enable them to take a step forwards. One thing I have seen time and again is that if we are ready, with all the ducks in a line, our child (however selective) will take steps forward when they feel comfortable enough to do so. This is frequently at the most surprising moments or with the weirdest things.
If you’d asked Ruby’s mum last week if she’d have expected the apple or the broccoli to be a win she’d have said a resounding no, but it doesn’t surprise me at all as I know how well the family have put systems into place to support Ruby’s eating.
I would love to show you the basics that help us get these foundations in place and have some mini programs that are appropriate for all families. If you’d like to have a chat I’m always happy to have a no cost initial talk.
(*name changed for privacy, story shared with permission)
Judith is an AOTA accredited picky eating advisor and internationally certified nutritional therapist. She works with 100+ families every year resolving fussy eating and returning pleasure and joy to the meal table.