Why I publish books to help carers of fussy eaters...
To create easy steps to end picky eating issues forever
Two questions for you.
TWO IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FOR PARENTS OF PICKY EATERS who are struggling to get their child to consume a healthy range of different foods.
1. If there was a realistic, EASY way to help your child go from being super selective and fussy about food to happily eating a wide range of nutritious foods WITHOUT you having to coerce, cajole, or spend hours creating Pinterest-worthy works of food art – would you want to know more?
2. What’s the difference between children and teens who can come to the table, try new things, consume a healthy range of nutritional foods and still maintain their sense of control and confidence around food. And ones who freak out, are stubbornly set in their ways and just keep reverting to right back where you started, no matter what you try?

Common questions ...

“How come other children happily get up and eat what they’re served and my child runs past the dinner table, furtively looking to see what’s on there, before running off and refusing to come sit with the family? Again!”
“Why is it my child who cries at the smell of broccoli, and shudders at the mere thought of mince?! “
Ever had those thoughts?
It’s every parent’s nightmare, watching your child struggle with smells, seeing how squirmy and upset it makes them to have to even look at things they don’t like, which seems to be literally everything, and having that nagging constant worry in the back of your mind – are they getting enough calcium to grow?
What if they never eat protein?
Are they more likely to get sick because they have such a limited diet?
And on and and on.
And the answers ...
The first thing I want you to know is – it’s not your fault. It’s not. No one expects to have a challenged eater, and certainly none of us are ever taught how to manage finicky fussy eaters when we become parents (or caregivers) for the first time and embark on the steep old learning curve of parenting 101. It’s all nappies, nipples and nap times! No one ever mentioned daily food battles!
There’s very little support around, it’s hard to know where to even begin, and even the trained professionals, Plunket, GPs, pediatricians, and nutritionists are typically limited when it comes to solving these thorny and often complex issues. And at the end of the day it’s YOU who’s there day after day, dealing with the never-ending tantrums and tears at mealtimes.
You probably do beat yourself up about it, give yourself a hard time, feel like you must be the worst parent on the planet.
We’re here to change that. Because you’re not. You’re far from the worst. You’re probably driving yourself up the wall, trying everything you can think of to help your small person get to a position where they can live a healthy life, strong, and free from food fear. I know. I get it, and I’m here to help.

Judith Yeabsley (MA Cantab, Grad Dip Psych, Nutritional Therapist & AOTA accredited Picky Eating Advisor) is the family mealtime mentor for parents and caregivers who want to ditch the dinner time dread and help their selective eaters enjoy eating a wide range of foods.
Hi, I’m Judith.
As parents our children are our number one priority and we want to do our best by them, but the road of child rearing isn’t always smooth.
I’ve been helping parents navigate fussy toddler eating, release the stress and anxiety of having primary aged children or teens who won’t eat, and create stress-free, fun family mealtimes for over a decade.
My books Winner Winner I Eat Dinner™, and Creating Confident Eaters™ were written to address the huge gap in helpful literature in this field. They work together to give a fresh and useful roadmap to living a life free of food frustrations, (without you having to become the next Martha Stewart or Nadia Lim).
These books will help you crush your doubts and fears and start cultivating a fun, relaxed family vibe around food. You’ll be encouraged to try new approaches and release pressure and guilt that may have been holding you and your loved ones back from your best life.
You and your children deserve to live your happiest lives, free from food frustrations and table tantrums.
In each of these practical, straight-shooting, extensively researched books, I teach you how.
Introducing the Books!

● How to tackle picky eating one simple step at a time
● How to choose the right practical strategies that are a fit for YOUR child and family (because we know one size does not fit all)
● How to build your own unique plan for success based on proven methodology
● How to build on past successes to increase confidence little by little, week by week
● NEW insights and fresh ways to approach food and feeding differently than you ever have before
● How to master simple techniques to shift your small human beans from their one and only all time favourite to a NEW food
● For example, you’ll learn how to gently move from say, only toast, crackers or plain pasta to including a new food
● Proven strategies to support your child to continue to add new foods
● How other parents, even those with very selective eaters have made progress using these proven techniques
Hear what Andrea had to say.
“Hi Judith,
I have been using your book as a guide for my extremely picky/control freak 12 y.o. for about 11 months. I wanted to give you some wonderful feedback and also some hope for parents of older children who are very set in their ideas around food.
She is medium height for her age and looks the picture of health so has never really garnered much attention or concern about her eating as everyone hoped she would gradually grow out of her picky eating. In fact, she got worse as she got older.
The key points I was able to take from the book and apply right away were to keep putting the desired food on the plate/table and that any change in mindset or acceptance of a new form of a food was progress. Also recognising that for new foods even touching, selecting from afar, holding inside a plastic bag was progress.
What seemed like no progress at all when broken down like this meant she was actually taking minuscule steps forward and this gave me the impetus to keep trying with her.
I continued to cook with her but have mostly allowed her to choose what she cooks, this has still resulted in her trying new things she will eat as dough but not when cooked.
I insisted she feed her pet rabbit vegetables every day. For years she would not touch them, but use tongs to put them in a bowl then tip them into her rabbit’s cage. Over the past 12 months she shifted to picking them up in paper towel and then eventually holding kale, broccoli in her bare hands but not carrots. These are tiny steps I would not have viewed as progress without your encouragement.
A year down the track, she does not eat fruit or vegetables but leaves them on her plate instead of pushing them off with her cutlery, can hold them, sometimes cut them up, taste them with encouragement and occasionally, when starving eat them when paired with a food she likes (for example, onions sitting on steak).
She has tried many more foods in the last 12 months than the 5 years prior to that. These are not always foods I value highly but it has really enabled her to gain confidence in her ability to eat something she has not tried before. So, if she asks for a doughnut with icing instead of plain, I just let her try it. Also, to know some new things taste good, so less anxiety about new foods. My mantra has been ‘you have not tried that before so you can’t be sure you don’t like it yet’ as there is still a lot of ‘no way, I don’t like this’.
As a point of reference she ate pasta, 1 type of crackers, butter, tomato sauce and sausages and 1 specific type of bread roll from one bakery and nothing else much a year ago. Would not even try lollies or chocolate for example.
Today while shopping she asked to buy tuna sushi (has never eaten tuna, rice or seaweed) and prawns to see how they changed colour when cooked. She actually tried the sushi but didn’t like the fishy taste (yet, I said!). She picked up a prawn and put it on her plate. She cut it up to see what the texture was like but didn’t want to try it ‘yet’.
It may not look like progress to parents of regular eaters but for me it was a huge relief to know that with support, one day she will eat a range of foods. It will take years and will only ever be on her own terms, but your book enabled me to see how to make a path forward for her.
My wish is for her to feel relaxed around a variety of foods, enjoy and be able to join in social occasions around food easily and to be able to experience new places and cultures through food. I think she is ever so slowly on her way.
With deep gratitude for your advice and simple, practical approach.”
*Andrea was really happy for me to share her story and wants it to give hope to parents of older children with food challenges. She is also conscious of protecting her daughter’s privacy, so names have been changed.
Take a look inside
Introducing Winner Winner I Eat Dinner™

Each chapter is based around one of the simple, gentle, 7 steps to happy eating.
Go from ‘on the table’ to ‘eating’ via a host of practical, FUN, strategies that build confidence and competence, step by step.
If you’d love your child to taste and to add new foods, this is the perfect book for you.
See inside the book

• A choice of actions to help progress
• Simple steps that anyone can master
• Proven strategies for making food fun

See inside the book

More features
• Generous margins for your own notes and inspiration
• Interactive
• Comes with case studies so you can SEE how change can work
• Easy to read fonts
• Lay-flat on your bench
• Simple, clear images (your child can even colour them in)
“Although it’s not a traditional recipe book, I find I still use it when I’m stuck for what to serve my son” – Kate
The best part about these books!
The best part about these books, Winner Winner I Eat Dinner™, and Creating Confident Eaters™ is that you don’t have to endure years on a waiting list, or suffer months more frustration battling on alone while you wait for your next dietician appointment, or specialist session, before getting some of your questions answered or getting advice before kinda, maybe, sorta seeing a result. With The Confident Eater’s™ book 1 and book 2, you can dive right in and arm yourself with knowledge, and load up on tricks and tips to get your journey to happy eaters started NOW.
Beginning school or kindy, having friends over or going on holiday? See if you can use the strategies and ideas inside to increase your chances of success with up to date, sensible, doable, science-based knowledge on the topic of food issues while lowering your stress levels because now you have some kind of support and plan. Boost your morale as you realise you’re not alone.
Want to introduce a new idea or a new practice to your family dinner table? Try the ideas suggested and test out one of the many outside the box suggestions today. You might be pleasantly surprised with what you can achieve.
As long as you’re currently doing the hard yards in the trenches of parenting a picky eater (or several), chances are you’ll discover dozens of ideas and insights inside the books.
And if for whatever reason, after reading the books and implementing the tactics and techniques, you don’t feel like you’re any closer to claiming and celebrating the incremental (and sometimes infinitesimal but still monumental) wins on the food front simply send me an email to judith@theconfidenteater.com within 30 days of your purchase and I’ll get on the phone with you myself and give you a 15 minute troubleshoot session FREE! That’s how confident I am that these books will help you.
The Confident Eater guarantee
The beauty of the books is you can access them any time anywhere and use them as a handy resource guide, write notes in them, and go back to them time and time again.
Yes! I offer plenty of simple, quick and easy things to try, so you can find the ones that work for your child.
People love these books for the straightforward way they explain things and how accessible they are, so don’t worry, it’s not science speak, just know it’s a proven methodology based on years of experience, 100s of families, and extensive information drawn from the latest literature in the field.
YES! The picky pack is the perfect gift for a friend or relative new to parenting or that you know is struggling at mealtimes.
YES! The picky pack is the perfect gift for a friend or relative new to parenting or that you know is struggling at mealtimes.
I’m available for consultations. We can work out meal by meal plans, recipes and I have DIY courses as well, check them out (use button below)
Please feel free to get in touch: Judith@theconfidenteater.com
These books are perfect for you if:
– You’re ready to learn how to go from resistance, anxiety and drama, to confident exploration, enthusiasm and fun at mealtimes.
– You’re worried because your child is eating only limited foods and is uncomfortable trying new ones.
– Your child tries new foods but rarely adopts them into their repertoire long term.
– New foods are a no-go, no way, nope for your child.
– You want to know HOW to support your child to eat more foods.
– You feel like you’ve tried everything to get them to expand their tastes but nothing works.

– You want to do the best you possibly can for your child and their nutrition, but you just don’t know where to start or where to look for support.
– Mealtimes are stressful to the point you don’t look forward to them.
– Your child is stuck eating the same foods each week.
– You want your child or teen to eat new foods but they’re hesitant, resistant, or instantly refuse.
Get Winner Winner I Eat Dinner™ and Creating Confident Eaters™ for simple & practical steps to resolve these issues.
Is there help for teens too?

The difference between children and teens who
- will happily come and sit at the table and taste new foods.
- Who consume a healthy range of nutritional foods and still maintain their sense of control and confidence around food.
- those who freak out around food.
- Who are stubbornly set in their ways and just keep reverting to right back where you started, no matter what you try.
Is confidence.
Confidence that they simultaneously have boundaries they cannot cross, and confidence they also get to have control. This is what you’ll learn in these books. I can’t wait to share them with you.
Check out the books
Creating Confident Eaters
– Get unstuck
– Move from crackers, toast or plain pasta to new foods
– Inspiration for new foods that could be a win
– Simple, gentle, manageable
Winner Winner I Eat Dinner
– Follow the 7 simple steps
– Go from ‘on the table’ to ‘eating’
– Choose actions that suit your child
– Make progress fun
Book review