Mellow mealtimes masterclass™
Mellow mealtimes masterclass™
Discover how to change the dynamic around food...
so you can enjoy relaxed family mealtimes again .
A quick introduction
I want to make sure you know about my personalised Masterclass to create relaxed attitudes around food and meals – at a GREAT discount.
Watch the 4 minute video below I’ll tell you all about it…

The secret to creating lasting and gentle change
Do you ever wonder why your children won’t even come and sit at the table, let alone try anything that’s not one of their two favoured foods?
Here’s the secret…often children are wise to parents’ attempts to get them to eat foods they don’t like – it feels like they’re two steps ahead of us all the way.
But you can create calm, confident eaters by learning and implementing my proven techniques to get children happily and voluntarily consuming new foods?

After years of study, and working with hundreds of families, I’ve learned what works.
Let me explain: when you stop cajoling, nagging and fighting, and try my new, low-pressure, chilled-out Confident Eater techniques, you can alter the entire mood around food, remove the stress and angst, (for you and your child), and start taking teeny tiny baby steps each meal time, each day, each week, to create change – without creating conflict.
The big question on my client’s minds is...
How can I get my child to try new foods and explore new tastes and textures, and consume a healthy, varied diet now, and in the long term?
If the problem persists

If the problem persists, then it can impact not only physical health, but also emotional health, and the longer it continues, the more behaviors around food can go pear-shaped!
Before you know it children are even refusing foods they used to eat! Leaving you with even less options.
Social occasions and family events are a nightmare, meals out are more stress than it’s worth, and managing mealtimes is just making everyone miserable.
How many clients feel when they find me.
Many clients come to me at their wit’s end, frustrated with the conflict (or that they feel they’ve given in), worried about their child’s growth, and concerned about the possible long term health impact of such a restricted diet if they can’t get a handle on it soon. Not to mention the distress this causes parents (and children) when the battles around food just go on and get worse and worse over time

Why work with me?

As an internationally qualified Nutritional Therapist, and AOTA accredited Picky Eating Advisor I work with all types of families and children – everyday children, toddlers, teens, children with pronounced food fears, and often children with additional challenges such as sensory sensitivities, ASD, ADHD, and anxiety.
I’ve been working with all kinds of families for years and I’ve discovered the key to ending the torment of picky eating.
It took me years of study and learning from leading world experts, years spent working with children, and too many days and nights trawling the international research, sifting through a swathe of semi-solutions that miss the mark and come up short – but I finally cracked it and I want to share my research and expertise with you!
Now, you can enjoy easygoing, comfortable, laid back meal times too. And the peace of mind that comes with knowing your child is consuming a varied diet that meets their nutritional needs.
When you purchase the Mellow mealtimes masterclass™, you’ll book in to receive 2 modules of in-depth live, private training lessons from me, along with a personalised plan we will create together, tailored for you, according to your specific challenges and family situation.
The Mellow mealtimes masterclass™ is especially for families who have children that have more protracted eating issues, or for parents who want to get ahead of the game, and feel that having all the knowledge up front, and personalised to them is appropriate for their family.
This is by far our most popular program
Here's what you're going to get in the Confident Eater’s Mellow mealtimes masterclass™
1 parent interview (via Zoom)
3 personalised live seminars (via Zoom)

Part 1: Parent interview (approx. 45 minutes)
Establish issues, red flags and opportunities for progress

Part 2: Masterclass with principal caregivers (approx. 1 hour)
Encouraging exploration™ – the basics
- Overview of the theory behind the eating. What it is, how it works and why.
- Create a solid foundation so language, approach and dynamics around food and feeding are supportive.
- Ensure all principal caregivers are on the same page and using the same methods for optimal results.
- Gain insight into how eating works.
- Prepare your child for progress when the opportunity arises.
- Feel confident you are maximising your chance of success every day.
- Taking back charge of food and feeding in a gentle way, while still empowering your child.
- Returning the joy to meals and mealtimes.

Part 3: Masterclass with principal caregivers (approx. 30 minutes)
Encouraging exploration™ – advanced
- Discover the specifics around your child’s eating challenges.
- Learn the strategies that will enable progress.
- Discover how to use the unique 7, simple steps to success and how critical they are for progress and for tracking steps forwards.
- Understand the 5 phases to eating and how powerful for determining next steps.

Part 4: Masterclass with principal caregivers (approx. 1 ½ hours)
This is the gold!! Completely customised to your family.
- Applying feeding theory in your house, with your child and their specific eating parameters.
- Exploring meal-by-meal what is happening and how to make changes supportive of better eating.
- Building a plan together for each meal.
- Exploring potential food options for your child.
- Seeking strategies for maximising progress.
- Brainstorming around potential stumbling blocks.
All tailored to your unique circumstances.
Here's how it works - easy peasy!
1. Click the link below to get on my calendar, or just call me, email, or private message me.
2. We’ll have a chat and make sure all primary caregivers can attend (from the comfort and privacy of your own sofa)
3. We’ll choose a time that works – during the day, after work, or a Saturday.
4. We’ll meet on Zoom at that time and get started learning the tools to create life-changing transformation for you and your family.
If you’re totally fed up, at your wits end, and are ready to move on from finicky food fights, then click the button below to get immediate access to my calendar and book your Mellow mealtimes masterclass™ today.
Mellow mealtimes masterclass™ by The Confident Eater™

The Mellow mealtimes masterclass™ is so effective, we guarantee you will see progress.
Hear what Hana had to say

“Judith is fantastic! Her course is insightful, educational, and most of all inspiring towards resolving challenges.
We have gained a lot of new ideas and ways to deal with our wee one. Super grateful to Judith for her wealth of knowledge and experience in dealing with picky eaters.
I highly recommend Judith’s program, it is an amazing value for money”.
The benefits for you
Understand your child’s specific issues around food.
Learn how to approach meals and eating.
Create a plan individual to your family.
Build on the success week by week.
Reduce stress at mealtimes.
Learn what progress looks like and how to track it
Create meals specific to to your family dynamics.
Obtain confidence via step by step plans and intensive support.
Have a safety net available as plans are implemented.
Be 100% confident positive changes can be maintained.
Get the tools to start change today!
Today, you can get started collecting the right tools, and learning the skills and knowledge you need to STOP PICKY, SUPER-SELECTIVE EATING and finally be free to experience the joy of FUN at the dinner table.
Or, you can continue to battle on, and hope they grow out of it. But there’s a cost of inaction:
– More fighting, fussing and frustration
– Continued worry about growth and development
– Deeper embedding of the unhealthy habits and attitude around food