Welcome to Creating Confident Eaters and one of our key confidence courses.
I’m delighted you’re here.
If you have a child who doesn’t want to taste and/or add new foods, you are in the right place!
The core challenge for most children is to be able to comfortably taste and accept new foods.
Depending on their level of discomfort, their age and whether they have additional challenges, this could be relatively simple to fix, or it could take time.
The great news is that you as the parent are, in 99% of cases, the one best placed to work with your child.
You will learn how put into place up-to-date internationally recommended approaches to food and feeding. Just knowing you are doing everything you can to support progress – and not inadvertently hindering steps forward – can be a huge comfort.
We will also be covering many of the critical foundations for eating well that are not widely discussed, but that make a huge difference to whether even the best strategies work.
The course will enable you to:
– Approach food and feeding in line with evidence-based international practices.
– Understand what supports and what hinders confident eating and gain a better understanding of how eating works.
– Learn how to make changes that will prepare your child to taste and add new foods. Effective strategies and language that are the essential foundations for confident eating.
– Use self-paced learning via a comprehensive video and worksheets.
– Have ongoing access to ensure you have time to digest and implement.
Hear what Anna had to say
We are seeing so much progress with Lukas, it’s just awesome how the change in mindset and how we approach meal times as a family has positively influenced him! Thank you so much.